Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)

!: Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)

Love Making develops real fun and intimacy between couples. Lusty passion and intimacy in relationship should always be present in relationships because it increases the desire and bond the relationship stronger. Passionate sexual tips are like food for love and relationship that fulfills the desire of love in couples.

Romance should always be passionate plus love making tips must feel like fire burning love. Here I give you example. Which scene you admire most?

1. Rabbits doing love making.


2. Tigers and Lions doing love making.

Of course, 98 percent of you picked up mating of Tigers and Lions. Romance got its own place in relationship on daily basis but as far as HOT and PASSIONATE Love making you need to be Tiger.

We have to separate two things.

1. Feelings, Emotions and Romance in relationship.

2. Love making tips, Passion, Heat, Intimacy, and Wildness in relationship.

These two points are the basic needs of romantic relationship. Most of the people do mistakes in relationship by focusing on emotions and romance and by time low their interest in passionate sex which is as necessary as romance.

In this Article, I am going to share few Passionate Love making tips with you so that you have a passionate and wild week with you partner.

Wild Tips:

1. Enjoy chocolaty oral sex one by one and then have bath or shower together. (Naughty Shower)

2. Make Tattoo on each other body, when both of you nude, with a marker. (Butts, boobs, Curves, Arms, Legs, Ankle or you can be more Creative)

3. Give you partner some very erotic nick and call him/her by it. BE SPECIFIC. Like: "Tiger", you got "Stormy Stamina", Call your home or bedroom "Sex Canyon", Say your girl that she got "Lightning Body" which thrills you. Again, BE SPECIFIC.

Romance Tips:

1. Go out at some beach or suburb area, have corn, enjoy kisses come back while taking snaps of town and save those snaps in your diary and make that day memorable with love.

2. Give you partner (female) Anklet. It is a lost art but full of love and she going to love you for it plus by your own hands put anklet while kissing her ankle.

3. Write a love poem in your own words. It does not matter you good in it or you write stupid love poem but do it in your own words and put that poem paper in envelop and give your partner with instrumental love music CD.

Wild Love Making (Fantastic Tips)

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Crazy Loco Love: A Memoir

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Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 11:21:07

From one of America's most beloved writers comes this compelling memoir of his adolescent search for meaning and identity.
When Victor Villaseñor turned sixteen, his father's gift of a brand-new, turquoise pick-up truck was accompanied by another gift: words of wisdom that would guide him on his path to manhood. "You are a man now, he said, and to be an hombre, a man must not only know right from wrong, he must also know who he is and who he isn't." In the weeks to come, however, Victor disregards his father's advice. Swayed by his friends ridicule, he has his new truck painted white to cover the vibrant turquoise, once his favorite color. Soon, he realizes his mistake. "I'd done exactly what my dad had told me not to. I'd listened to other people's opinions instead of listening to what I'd felt inside."
So begins this poignant and moving account of Villaseñor's coming of age. Growing up on his parents ranch in North San Diego County, Victor Villaseñor's teenage years were marked by a painful quest to find a place for himself in a world he didn't fit into. During his search, Victor wrangles with the usual questions of adolescence: Is it normal to think about sex all the time? Do good girls like sex? Is sex before marriage a sin?
But Victor struggles with more than just his burgeoning sexual awareness. The son of a self-made, successful man, he is different from his peers because of his Mexican heritage, and he experiences both subtle and outright discrimination because of this. Raised in a tight-knit, Catholic family, he questions the tenets of his faith and the restrictions it places on his own developing spirituality and sexuality.
After high school, Victor's quest for who he is and who he isn't takes him to Mexico, where he is shocked to learn that Mexicans aside from his father are successful. They are architects, professors, and artists. Most importantly, he meets an older woman who cultivates in him a deeper understanding of his own intellectual capacity and helps him see the world and his place in it in a whole new way. This experience allows him to appreciate his own potential and realize his dreams of making a difference in the world through writing.
A powerful portrait of a young boy on the path to manhood in the shadow of his influential father, Crazy Loco Love adds a new chapter to the grand tradition of coming-of-age books. Destined to become a classic, this new installment in Villaseñor's body of work confirms his place as a leading American writer. Crazy Loco Love will enthrall his many fans and surely win him new ones.

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